The NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC) is an autonomous body established by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India to assess and accredit institutions of higher education in the country. It is an outcome of the recommendations of the National Policy in Education (1986) which laid special emphasis on upholding the quality of higher education in India. To address the issues of quality, the National Policy on Education (1986) and the Plan of Action (POA-1992) advocated the establishment of an independent national accreditation body. Consequently, the NAAC was established in 1994 with its headquarters at Bangalore.
- 7.1.3
- Faculty incentivies 2018-2023
- Renewal report Environtment
- Student progression che recipts chemistry of students 2018-19
- 6.2.2 Statements of accounts final
- Department of Computer Science Students Progression 2018-19
- Department of Computer Students Progression 2019-20
- ADD ON COURSE Economics
- Offer Letters-2018-2023 fianl
- Receipt of the Students Admitted to Higher Education-2018-2023
- Report CEC 06.03.2023
- Report CEC 22.11.2021
- Report CEC 27.01.2022
- 6.5.1 part-I
- 7.3.1.
- Best practice-I Papaerless documents.
- Best Practice -II (2018-2023).
- Competitive Examination-2021-22.
- 4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio.
- 4.1.2 Audit report -2019-20 marked.
- 4.1.2 Audit Report-2018-19 marked.
- 4.1.2 Audit report-2020-21 marked.
- 4.1.2 Audit report-2021-22 Marked.
- 4.1.2 Audit Report-2022-23 Marked.
- 4.4.1 Audit -2018-19 part-I.
- 4.4.1 audit report-2020-21 part-I.
- 4.4.1 Audit report-2021-22 part-I.
- 4.4.1 Audit report-2022-23 part-I.
- 4.4.1 Audit-2019-20 part-I.
- 4.1.2 Percentage of expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation excluding
salary during year-2022-23.
- 4.4.1 Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years-2022-23.
- Organisation of the workshops -part-II-2019-20.
- 1.1.1_1708256759_13777.
- 2.1.2 percentage seats filled against reserve catogary-2018-19.
- 2.1.2 percentage seats filled against reserve catogary-2019-20.
- 2.1.2 percentage seats filled against reserve catogary-2020-21.
- 2.1.2 percentage seats filled against reserve catogary-2021-22.
- 2.1.2 percentage seats filled against reserve catogary-2022-23.
- 1.4.1 Action Taken Report feedback.
- 1.4.1 Any other relevent information about feedbacks.
- 1.4.1 Feedback analysis report-2018-TO-2023.
- 5.1.1- Institutional Scholarship-2018-19.
- 5.1.1- Institutional Scholarship-2019-20.
- 5.1.1- Institutional Scholarship-2020-21.
- 5.1.1- Institutional Scholarship-2021-22.
- 5.1.1- Institutional Scholarship-2022-23.
- EL Club-2018 TO-2023.
- Environment field Project 2023.
- 6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance System contribution-2018-19.
- 6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance System contribution-2019-20.
- 6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance System contribution-2020-21.
- 6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance System contribution-2021-22.
- 6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance System contribution-2022-23.
- Reservations for different categories as per the Government policy (2018-TO-2023).
- Award Mane K S.
- Blogs Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya Sangola.
- Blood donation certificates -2018-2022.
- Number of the computers-2023-24.
- 2.3.3 - Ratio of mentor to students for academic and other related issues final-2021-22.pdf.
- Prospectus-2017-18.
- Prospectus-2018-19.
- Prospectus-2019-20.
- Prospectus-2020-21.
- Prospectus-2021-22.
- Prospectus-2022-23.
- students council -2018-TO-2023.
- Feedback reports-2018-19.
- Feedback reports-2019-20.
- Feedback reports-2020-21.
- Feedback reports-2021-22.
- Feedbacks-2022-23.
- Research and e-sources annual report-2018-19.
- Research and e-sources annual report-2019 -20.
- Research and e-sources annual report-2020-21.
- Research and e-sources annual report-2021-22.
- Research and e-sources annual report-2022-23.
- Mentor-Mentee Register-2018-TO-2023.
- 7.1.2 Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures-2020-21.
- 7.1.2 Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures-2021-22.
- 7.1.2 Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures-2022-23.
- 7.1.1 Institution has initiated the Gender Audit-2018-19.
- 7.1.1 Institution has initiated the Gender Audit-2019-20.
- 7.1.1 Institution has initiated the Gender Audit-2020-21.
- 7.1.1 Institution has initiated the Gender Audit-2021-22.
- 7.1.1 Institution has initiated the Gender Audit-2022-23.
- Green campus initatives part-II.
- Green campus initatives part-III.
- Green campus initatives part-IV.
- GreenCampus initatives part-I.
- 7.1.4 inclusive environment i.e., tolerance Hormoney-2018-19.
- 7.1.4 inclusive environment i.e., tolerance Hormoney-2019-20.
- 7.1.4 inclusive environment i.e., tolerance Hormoney-2020-21.
- 7.1.4 inclusive environment i.e., tolerance Hormoney-2021-22.
- 7.1.4 inclusive environment i.e., tolerance Hormoney-2022-23.
- 7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution-2018-19.
- 7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution-2019-20.
- 7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution-2020-21.
- 7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution-2021-22.
- 7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution-2022-23.
- 7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness.
- Best Practice-I.
- Best Practice-II.
- Environmrt initative part-I.
- Environmrt initative part-II.
- The institution has Divyangjanfriendly-2022-23.
- 6.1.1 The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission-2018-19.
- 6.1.1 The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission-2019-20.
- 6.1.1 The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission-2020-21.
- 6.1.1 The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission-2021-22.
- 6.1.1 The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission-2022-23.
- 6.2.2 Institution implements e-governance in its operations-2020-21.
- 6.2.2 Institution implements e-governance in its operations-2021-22.
- 6.2.2 Institution implements e-governance in its operations-2022-23.
- 6.3.2 Incentives to faculty for publication of research articles final-2021-22.
- 6.3.2 Incentives to faculty for publication of research articles final-2022-23.
- 6.3.4 Number of teachers undergoing online FDP etc.-2018-TO 2020.
- 6.3.4 Number of teachers undergoing online FDP etc.-2020-21.
- 6.3.4 Number of teachers undergoing online FDP etc.-2021-22.
- 6.3.4 Number of teachers undergoing online FDP etc.-2022-23.
- 6.4 Financial Management-2018-19.
- 6.4 Financial Management-2019-20.
- 6.4 Financial Management-2020-21.
- 6.4 Financial Management-2021-22.
- 6.4 Financial Management-2023-24.
- 6.2.1 policies, administrative setup, appointment, service rules,perspective plan.
- Carrer development and welfare-2018-19.
- Carrer development and welfare-2019 To-2021.
- Carrer development and welfare-2021-22.
- Carrer development and welfare-2022-23.
- Alumni Registration and annual report alumni committee-2018 To 2023.
- AUDIT REPORT-2018-2023.
- Students qualified in NET-SET and competetive examinations-2018-TO-2023.
- Yoga Camp and Yoga day celebration-2018- To -2023.
- placement of outgoing students 2021-22.
- Placement of the students-2018-19.
- Placement of the students-2022-23.
- Student placement and Progression 2019-2020.
- Students Progression Receipts-2018 To 2023.
- Capacity development and skills enhancement activities-2018-19.
- Capacity development and skills enhancement activities-2019-20.
- Capacity development and skills enhancement activities-2020-21.
- Capacity development and skills enhancement activities-2021-22.
- Capacity development and skills enhancement activities-2022-23.
- Competitive Examination-2018-19.
- Competitive Examination-2019-20.
- Competitive Examination-2020-21.
- Competitive Examination-2021-22.
- Competitive Examination-2022-23.
- Students exchange and faculty exchange-2018-19.
- Students exchange and faculty exchange-2019-20.
- Students exchange and faculty exchange-2020-21.
- Students exchange and faculty exchange-2021-22.
- Students exchange and faculty exchange-2022-23.
- Library ILMS Report-2023-2024 Fianl.
- Marathon-2022.
- Medals Won by the college students-2018 To 2023.
- Number of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the year-2018-2023.
- Physical Facilities with ICT Part-I.
- Physical Facilities with ICT Part-II.
- Physical Facilities with ICT part-III.
- Add On Course MOOCs.
- Avishkar Research Mahostav 2018.
- Cultural activities-2018-2023.
- Department of Physics_ Achievements.
- Faculty with Ph D and NET-SET certificates -2018-2023.
- Pass percentage of the students final-2018-2023.
- U-Tubes of the conferences-2018-2023.
- Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya_ Achievements.
- Vidnyan Mahavidyalaya_ Vidnyan Mandal_Avishkar.
- Attainment of the Programm outcome and course outcome-2018-19.
- Attainment of the Programm outcome and course outcome-2019-20.
- Attainment of the Programm outcome and course outcome-2020-21.
- Attainment of the Programm outcome and course outcome-2021-22.
- Attainment of the Programm outcome and course outcome-2022-23.
- Internal Test-2018-19.
- Internal test-2019-20.
- Internal Test-2020-21.
- Internal Test-2021-22.
- Internal Test-2022-23.
- Grievences Evaluation Process and Reforms -2019-20 and 2020-21.
- Grievences Evaluation Process and Reforms -2021-22.
- Grievences Evaluation Process and Reforms -2022-23.
- Number of the conferences and workshops organised -2019-20.
- Number of the conferences organised by the departments -2018-19.
- Number of the conferences organised by the departments -2020-21.
- Number of the conferences organised by the departments -2021-22.
- Number of the conferences organised by the departments -2022-23.
- Sports, Cultural activities and Yuva Mohastav-2018-19.
- Sports, Cultural activities and Yuva Mohastav-2019-20.
- Sports, Cultural activities and Yuva Mohastav-2020-21.
- Sports, Cultural activities and Yuva Mohastav-2021-22.
- Sports, Cultural activities and Yuva Mohastav-2022-23.
- Sports activity at college level-2022-23.
- Sports activity at college level-2022-23.
- Sports activity at college level-2022-23.
- Sports activity at college level-2022-23.
- Sports activity at college level-2022-23.
- Sports activity at college level-2022-23.
- Sports activity at college level-2022-23.
- Sports activity at college level-2022-23.
- Certificates of the sport students played at National, State level and University level-2022-23.
- Sports activity at college level-2021-22.
- Sports activity at college level-2020-21.
- Sports activity at college level-2019-20.
- Marathon competitation-2019-20.
- Certificates of the sport students played at National, State level and University level-2019-20.
- Certificates of the sport students played at National, State level and University level-2018-19.
- Sports activity at college level-2018-19.
- Sharmik Din acivity-2018-19.
- Name List of the Full Time Teachers-2018 TO 2023 Final.
- Students centric methods such as experiential learning, participative learning-2022-23.
- Students centric methods such as experiential learning, participative learning-2021-22.
- Students centric methods such as experiential learning, participative learning-2020-21.
- Students centric methods such as experiential learning, participative learning-2019-20.
- Students centric methods such as experiential learning, participative learning-2018-19.
- IT Infrastructure available in the college-part-I and part-II.
- 4.3.2 students computer ratio with bills and photos of the computer.
- NCC-Activities-2022-23.
- NCC-Activities -2022-23.
- NSS-Regular Activities-2022-23.
- NSS special camp-2022-23.
- Vivek Vahini-2022-23.
- NSS Regular activities and special camp-2020-21 final.
- NSS Regular activities and special camp-2021-22 final.
- NCC Regular activities and special camp- final-2019-20.
- NSS-Activities-2019-20.
- NSS Camp activity -2018-19.
- Regular activity NSS-2018-19.
- Name list of the students fieldpoject-2022-23.
- Mechanisms for submission of online-offline students’ grievances-2022-23.
- Mechanisms for submission of online-offline students’ grievances-2021-22.
- Mechanisms for submission of online-offline students’ grievances-2020-21.
- Mechanisms for submission of online-offline students’ grievances-2019-20.
- Mechanisms for submission of online-offline students’ grievances-2018-19.
- Students undertaking project work-field work-internship -2022-2023 Part-II.
- Students undertaking project work-field work-internship -2022-2023 Part-I.
- Students undertaking project work-field work-internship -2021-2022.
- Students undertaking project work-field work-internship -2020-2021.
- Students undertaking project work-field work-internship -2019-2020.
- Students undertaking project work-field work-internship -2018-2019.
- Percentage of students benefited by scholarships in the years-2022-23.
- Percentage of students benefited by scholarships in the years-2021-22.
- Percentage of students benefited by scholarships in the years-2020-21.
- Percentage of students benefited by scholarships in the years-2019-20.
- Percentage of students benefited by scholarships in the years-2018-19.
- Division & Faculty Govt. Permission BA B.Sc.
- Division and - Faculty Govt. & Uni. Permission N G - courses.
- Number of students sanctioned seats-2022-23
- Number of student seat sanctioned-2021-22
- Number of student seat sanctioned-2020-21
- Number of student seat sanctioned-2019-20
- Number of student seat sanctioned-2018-19
- Time Table-2022-23
- Time Table-2021-22
- Time Table-2020-21
- Time Table-2019-20
- Time Table-2018-19
- Book Published Written By the Faculty-2018-2023
- Book Published Written By the Faculty PART-II-2020
- Add on Course Name List-2022-23
- Add on Course Name List-2021-22
- Add on Course Name List-2020-21
- Add on Course Name List-2019-20
- Add on Course Name List-2018-19
- Advanced and Slow Learners Timetable Report-2022-23
- Advanced and Slow Learners Timetable Report-2021-22
- Advanced and Slow Learners Timetable Report-2020-21
- Advanced and Slow Learners Timetable Report-2019-20
- Advanced and Slow Learners Timetable Report-2018-19
- Number of Computers Report-2022-23
- Number of Computers Report-2021-22
- Number of Computers Report-2020-21
- Number of Computers Report-2019-20
- Number of Computers Report-2018-19
- Cross Cutting Issues-2018-19-part-I
- Cross Cutting Issues-2018-19-part-II
- Cross Cutting Issues-2019-20 part-I
- Cross Cutting Issues-2019-20 part-II
- Cross Cutting Issues-2020-21
- Cross Cutting Issues-2021-22
- Cross Cutting Issues-2022-23
- 2.4.2 Faculty SET-NET 2022-23
- 3.3.2 books are published by Kokare B D-2019
- 3.3.2 Mane K S Book Published-2022-23
- 3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumesbooks published and papers published 2018-2023
- 3.3.6.Research articles published by R S Gaikwad and Dhasade S S -2018
- 3.3.6.Research articles published by R S Gaikwad and Dhasade S S -2019
- 3.4.1 Number of extension and outreach programmes con
- 1.3.1 - Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment andSustainability into the Curriculum.
- 1.3.1 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the year.
- 1.3.1- Institution integrates crosscutting issues activities realted to cross cutting issues.
- 1.3.1- Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values
- 1.3.1 - Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human part-I
- 1.3.1 - Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human part-II
- 3.5.1 - Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange- internship during the year.
- 3.5.1 - Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange- internship during the year final.
- 3.5.1 - Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange part-I.
- 3.5.1 - Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange part-II.
- 3.5.1 - Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange-2022-23.
- 4.1.2 - The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), upload on website.
- 4.1.2 - The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor),_compressed-1-52.
- 4.1.2 - The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor),2022-23.